¡‘Perico, suba ahí!’ Pautación y análisis de un solo de repique de Pedro ‘Perico’ Gularte

Transcription and analysis of a solo by master repique drummer Pedro “Perico” Gularte.

Luis Jure

October 2, 1992

Cordoba, Argentina

VII Jornadas Argentinas de Musicología–VI Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Musicologı́a



This paper presents, for the first time, a complete transcription of a repique solo played during a ’llamada de tambores.’ The solo was performed by Pedro ‘Perico’ Gularte with the carnival group (“comparsa”) Marabunta on February 22, 1992. The transcribed fragment represents a complete, albeit brief, section of the ’llamada’ played between the moments when the group stopped to play the timeline pattern. Analysis of this transcription reveals typical improvisational techniques of the repique drum, including the alternation of repique phrases with cycles of the timeline pattern (“madera”) played on the drum’s shell, the figures used to begin and end phrases that are always aligned with the timeline, the extended use of the repique’s primary pattern, and the use of contrasting figures to create tension.