
Documentación y análisis del candombe uruguayo (CSIC, 2021-2022)

The objective of this project was to deepen the ongoing research on candombe drumming through computational techniques, expanding the existing database with a series of recordings with drummers who are referents of traditional neighborhood styles.

StaRel - Statistical Relational Learning for Music (STIC-AmSud, 2018-2019)

The goal of the project was to gain insight into the understanding and modeling of rhythmic/metric structure in audio recordings of expressive musical performances.

IEMP - Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance (AHRC, 2016-2018)

The goal of the project was to develop a better understanding of how groups of people coordinate their behavior in a musical context, taking into account a wide range of musical cultures.

Iniciación a la documentación y análisis del candombe afro–montevideano (CSIC, 1995-1996)

The purpose of this project was to make audiovisual recordings of groups of candombe drummers who are referents of the traditional styles of Cuareim and Ansina, with the aim of documenting their performance and generating material for analysis.